“Oh, What a Life” Review

0 comments, 19/03/2014, by , in At-a-glance, Entertainment

With catchy tunes, honest lyrics, and unique style, American Authors have created their number one album “Oh, What a Life.”

American Authors was formed in Boston, Mass, during 2006 while they were all students attending Berklee College of Music.

Although this is their first actual album, its tracks have been flooding their ways into the mainstream radio, as well as commercials, TV shows, and even films.

Singles such as “Best Day of My Life” and “Believer” have already given credibility to fans that this big city band is going to stick around for a long while.

Other songs such as “Luck” are so intoxicating that listeners can’t help but just to sing along because how catchy they are.

Their original sound proves they offer a new direction within the music industry. They also are able to use very connective lyrics with amazing beats to create an “any kind of day” album.

“Oh, What a Life” gets 5 out of 5 stars because it’s one of a kind sound, and for simply making great music. The album can be bought on iTunes, Amazon, and everywhere else that sells CDs.

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