Boys Basketball

0 comments, 31/03/2014, by , in At-a-glance, Sports

After a successful playoff season, it is time to say farewell to this years seniors. The boys basketball seniors are No. 3 Louie Aguilera, No. 13 Isaac Tellez, No. 53 De’Prynx Johnson, No. 43 Nathan Melendez, No. 35 Kevin Vicencio, and No. 33 Juan Cedillo.

Even though they did not get to where they wanted to be, they still had a good season.

“I feel like we left our mark here at Bel Air,” Aguilera said.

Tellez also agrees with Aguilera.

      “Honestly, I feel like we did all we could, and I wish things would have ended differently, but I’m glad I played all four years,” Tellez said.

The starting center for the boys basketball, De’Prynx Johnson, is ready to move on from high school ball.

“I’m sad that I won’t be able to play for BA, but happy to graduate,” Johnson said. He also said, “I left my mark here because no one can jump like me. Yes, if I do go to college I will try and keep playing basketball. I want to be well known.”

The varsity boys made it to the first round of the state playoffs with an overall record 26-4 including the first round loss. The boys basketball lost in double overtime. On an inbound play Josh Gallegos pushed the ball to half and took a desperate shot and knocked it down.

“ I prayed every second of the game and God answered them by taking us to overtime”.

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